A Four Year Old Wonder!

Thanks sis for sending this link! My husband and I both watched this, and this little boy is the cutest thing I ever saw! To be just four years old, he has a lot of talent! Also have been watching the bald eagle off and on all day, since I've had a lot of work to do on the computer. I Just left my Media Player up in the background. Ever so often, I would hear the Eagle making a lot of noise, so I would look at the media player, and found that she was off the nest! A minute later, she came back. I wondered if she was chasing others birds off? This has happened several times today. Please check out this little boy, by clicking the link below.



Anonymous said…
Ahhh...he's cute...and he sure can jam on that accordian. I think I may have found a possible candidate for the position of "son-in-law"......far, far off in the future. As long as J. doesn't shoot him with the shot gun first, he should pass.......

Susie said…
hahahaha! Yep, I think J. will be just like your Dad! Try to scare those boys away! Poor little S and H....will never get a date when they get older!

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