Happy Easter To Everyone!

Posted by Picasa To my husband, daughters, grand daughters, sister, sister in laws, brothers, brother in law, and to everyone else....


krk said…
Sherrie said…
Hope your Easter was a good one. I just love your beautiful pictures you and KRK have taken. They sure tell the story of spring. Fresh beautiful colors of grass, clouds, flowers and sky. They match your eggs you have dyed.
On another thought, forth youngest son found my blog, through yours. He was quite impressed with yours, but I set him straight. Kris helped you! HEEHEE!
Susie said…
Yes, we had a nice Easter. Spent it at Kristie's with J's family, K. and T, and of course the babies! S. was putting candy in the new "chick" socks Aunt K. bought her:)

Kristie didn't help me that much!!!! hahahahaha! How did he find mine? Glad that he did! I sure miss him. Haven't seen him forever! Tell him "hello" for me!
Love you!

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