Urgent Prayer Request

Some friends that we went to church with many years ago are in need of prayer. Two very dear families had two sons each, that were traveling together to go to ball practice. They all live in the country, and you know how hazardous it is to drive on those country roads with no visibility at the intersections...or stop signs. The four boys were in a smaller car, and was hit by a large pick up truck....from what we have found out. 

One boy (13 years old), Danny, was killed instantly. The other three are now at home, but not out of the woods yet. All three have under gone many surgeries. Two of the boys are 16 and one 13. I believe they are all in wheel chairs for now. Please keep them in prayer every day for a speedy and total recovery. God is in the business of healing totally:)

My heart and love go out to both of these families. Even though I haven't seen them for years, it is true....your church friends are like family. I have been grieving with them in their loss...as are my husband and daughters. We found out about this.... .weeks after the accident, by chance. Kristie had an old newspaper, that she hadn't read, and by chance saw Danny's obituary. Then she got on the computer, trying to find out what had happened, and found two blogs that the families made to let people know how the other three boys were doing. I have been watching them daily, trying to keep up with their precious recovery. I can see God helping them each day as I read their blogs. I have hesitated to even leave a comment, because I don't know what to say...except that I love them, and am grieving with them. Each day I think, should I comment now? My words do not seem to come. So I read and pray.

I have no doubts that God will turn this all around, and cause good to come out of it. Please keep the boys in prayer:... Tom, Schuyler, and Sam. Keep the parents in prayer, especially Mike and Rhonda., who lost a precious son.

I can't even imagine their pain. May God always bless and keep you all:) To my family, if you want their blog address, I can e-mail it to you. I hesitate to put it here without their permission. If anyone feels the need to help, let me know. I know their expenses must be great.

I would like to print here one thing that I saw on their site:
The strength of the vessel can be demonstrated only by the hurricane, and the power of the Gospel can be fully shown only when the Christian is subjected to some fiery trial. If God would make manifest the fact that "He giveth songs in the night," He must first make it night." William Taylor

I add this with tears. Because a song was made for Danny....as follows:
"We've never seen blue like that"
We’ve seen the gulf side of Florida
And swam in those waters
And North Carolina in the twilight of morning
Just before the sun comes out
And gives out its orders
And the leaves don’t yet know
That they’re green, they’re blue

Born a hot July day
Might as well have been spring time
With the way that the flowers did bloom
And we couldn’t believe when you opened your eyes
And you outdid the sky, yeah it’s true
‘Cause we’d never seen blue like that

Yeah, we’d never seen blue like that
We’d never seen blue like that ‘till we met you

Part lamb and part lion as everyone knows
Built machines made for flying and out grew his clothes
And the girls would line up ‘round the block, I suppose
Just to gaze deeply into your eyes so blue

Yeah, they’d never seen blue like that
Yeah, they’d never seen blue like that
‘Cause they’d never seen blue like that ‘till they met you

Then the storm clouds came rolling in wave after wave
Each displaying it’s own shade of blue
Then the clouds and our eyes both poured out their waters
On the day that we heard we lost you

No, we’d never seen blue like that
No, we’d never seen blue just like that
Though the peace of the Lord hovered over those waters
We’d never seen blue like that
No, we’d never seen blue like that

I can see a boy walking on a beach up in
Heaven With Jesus by and ocean of truth

And he’d never seen blue like that
And he’d never seen blue like that
And the spirit of God hovers over those waters
And he’d never seen blue like that

Someday we'll see blue like that

We've Never Seen Blue Like That©2008 Aaron and Brian Henningsen


krk said…
They are all in my prayers
Susie said…
Your prayer is greatly appreciated! Thank you so much!

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