Happy Fourth Of July!!!!!!

I found this picture on the web. I thought it was so cute! It reminds me of my sisters dolls! By the way, she now has a new blog just about dolls! It's listed on the right hand side under "blogs". I pray that everyone who is traveling has a safe trip, and a blessed time with their loved ones:) We are going to my daughters house for a cook out. My other daughter is going to her husbnad's family picnic! Sure will miss them! But I realize we have to share! Darn the luck! I got to see them yesterday. Kristie and the girls came over and spent the day. I love those days! We actually studied in the Bible. Which always brings up more questions. This is a good thing! Then you have to look further. Sara and Hailey kept us busy too! Just wanted to tell Akina and Rachel to have a great time at camp! I think they're going this week sometime. Love you all so much!