To Mow Or Not To Mow, That Is The Question!

Spring is upon us! We haven't been able to mow yet, due to the wet grounds. So the grass is getting very long! I have been picking up sticks off and on all week. Digging around sidewalks and bushes. Today I was inspecting the grounds, to see if possibly I could mow today. Most is still too wet. Some looked as if it could be mowed. While looking at the grass, I picked up more sticks. I was just about to head for another LONG branch laying in the tall grass...when all of a sudden it MOVED!!!!!!!!! It was a snake! It was about 2-3 feet long. I stood still, and to my amazement didn't scream. I slowly backed up, and went away. This is why I don't like the grass to get long here! I want to SEE what's ahead of me! Not sure I will mow the dry parts, may leave it for my husband to do! *sigh* 

Or I may anyway...I do love to mow! Why should I let a little snake scare me? I think I will mow with the tractor instead:)


krk said…
I remember on the farm seeing those STICKS that move ;o(
I always took the mower over them with my EYES closed ;o) How brave am I ?
Glad I checked your blog ;o)
Your back ;o)
Love Ya ! krk
Susie said…
Hey KRK!

Guess what? I mowed! Oh KRK, I would be too chicken to drive over them! Would be afraid their parts would fly up all over me! Don't say you're not brave, YOU ARE!!!
Thank you for your kind comments:)
Love ya!

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