
Showing posts from September, 2008

Lost My List Of Favorite Blogs!

My list disapperared on the right! I tried to redo it, it disapperared again! Anyone know why? I tried to download a new maybe that's why. Anyway, would those of you that I lost, place your blog site address on the comment section here. Some I didn't have bookmarked. *sigh* Maybe tomorrow this will work?

Bailout Of AIG By Main Street

This was sent to me from my brother in law. Sounds like a good plan to me! Why didn't the politicians think of this? They could put a stipulation in... that whoever gets the money, must pay off all mortgages, loans, and credit cards. After that is done, buy, buy, and buy! Oh, and invest! Talk about a boost to the economy! It is election year, and Main Street USA may have a better idea. I'm against the $85,000,000,000.00 bailout of AIG . Instead, I'm in favor of giving $85,000,000,000 to America in a "We Deserve It Dividend". To make the math simple, let's assume there are 200,000,000 bonifide U.S. Citizens 18+. Our population is about 301,000,000 +/- counting every man, woman and child. So 200,000,000 might be a fair stab at adults 18 and up. So divide 200 million adults 18+ into $85 billion that equals $425,000.00. My plan is to give $425,000 to every person 18+ as a "We Deserve It Dividend". Of course, it would NOT be tax free. So let's ass...

What's That On Your Face?

I used to look at older ladies, and wondered why on earth they painted such thick black eyebrows on their faces. I think I now know! When you get older, you lose your ability to see up close. You can't wear glasses, while putting on makeup. Thus, you THINK you have put on your makeup properly, when in reality you just might look painted! The joys of old age:) Recently my daughter has told me several times..."Mom...your make up is smeared". She rubs it off, and I'm sure it's smeared BECAUSE I COULDN'T SEE WHEN I PUT IT ON! *sigh* There is an upside to this though! YOU ALSO CAN'T SEE THE NEW WRINKLES ON YOUR FACE! There is something else I have discovered, I think God allows us to get grey, because lighter color hair softens the wrinkles:) I color blond because of this! I'm very close to not coloring, and letting the gray show! It would be a lot easier. There is a time when you realize that you are growing MUCH older than you wanted. My time ...

Why Did The Woolly Worm Cross The Road?

Since we live out in the country, anywhere we drive to town is a 20-30 mile track. In the fall I have been seeing TONS of caterpillars , actually crossing the country roads. Not just a few, hundreds! Also a few weeks ago, hundreds of yellow butterflies were sitting on every road I drove on. They would fly all around the car as it passed. Amazing. You just don't see this in the city. Anyone care to answer my question? :o)

One Small Stone

I found this picture on the web. I'm not sure where it originated. But it reminded me of something very important. In a mass of words, and worldly events...only one thing is important. The name that is above all names, JESUS. It's very easy to get caught up into "the events of the day at hand". But all in all, we can't change the events or other people's minds. All we can change is us. In small ways, perhaps we can change things. We have to at least try, or have to account to God someday why we didn't try. God is a ripple small stone thrown into a pond, and from there...the ripples begin, one at a time. If you haven't accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior...please consider to do so. If you do, you will know immediately what I mean about the "ripple affect". It's the best decision anyone can make. God bless:)

Excuse me ...Mr. Obama?

One of the deadly sins to talk about, I politics. One that I swore I wouldn't even mention on my blog. However, I'm a little upset with the elitists comments that Senator Barrack Obama made at a San Francisco campaign fundraiser...saying "that small town people cling to their guns and religion because they are bitter." Excuse me Mr Obama ? Isn't the right to "freedom of religion" and the right "to bear arms" mentioned in our constitution? Do you have a different constitution than mine? Do you have a different constitution than the rest of the country? Or could it be that ONLY small town people BELIEVE in their country and Constitution? That belief must be perceived by you as being "bitter"? It's a shame you're an Illinois Senator...voted in by a LOT of "bitter small town people"....since most of Illinois is rural. I can take a sigh of relief in my own conscience, because I was one of the few that did n...